代表性论文 及著作 | 部分代表性论文著作: (1)Qin
Shenglei, Yang
Liuming*,Hou Guoxiang*, Gao Yuan & Guo Wenqiang. A one-step simplified
lattice Boltzmann method without evolution of distribution
functions. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids,
2022, 94(7): 1001-1025.(SCI, 计算流体力学著名期刊,T2) (2)Yang
Liuming, Liu
Shicheng, Ao Lei, Yu Yang* & Hou Guoxiang*. Development and
assessment of the interface lattice Boltzmann flux solvers for
multiphase flows. International Journal of Modern Physics C,
2022, 33(12): 1-31.(SCI, T2) (3)Yu
Yang, Yang
Liuming*,Gao Yuan & Hou Guoxiang*. Lattice Boltzmann study of
low-Reynolds-number flow past square cylinders with varying slip
distributions. Ocean Engineering, 2021, 236: 109425. (SCI,
Top期刊,T1) (4)Yu
Yang, Yang
Liuming*,Gao Yuan & Hou Guoxiang*. Lattice Boltzmann investigation of
the influence of slip distributions on the flow past a diamond
cylinder at low-Reynolds-number. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(7):
073611. (SCI,
Top期刊,T1) (5)Yang
Liuming,Shu Chang, Chen Zhen, Hou Guoxiang*, & Wang Yan. An improved
multiphase lattice Boltzmann flux solver for the simulation of
flow with large density ratio and complex interface. Physics of
Fluids, 2021, 33(3), 033306. (SCI,
Top期刊,T1) (6)Yang
Liuming,Shu Chang, Chen Zhen, Wang Yan & Hou Guoxiang*. A simplified
lattice Boltzmann flux solver for multiphase flows with large
density ratio. International Journal for Numerical Methods in
Fluids, 2021, 93(6):1895-1912. (SCI,计算流体力学著名期刊,T2) (7)Yang
Liuming,Shu Chang, Yu Yang, Wang Yan & Hou Guoxiang*. A
mass-conserved fractional step axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann
flux solver for incompressible multiphase flows with large
density ratio. Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32(10), 103308. (SCI,
Top期刊,T1,编辑精选论文) (8)Yang
Liuming,Yu Yang, Yang Liming & Hou Guoxiang*. Analysis and
assessment of the no-slip and slip boundary conditions for the
discrete unified gas kinetic scheme. Physical Review E, 2020,
101(2), 023312.(SCI, 计算流体力学权威期刊,T1) (9)Yang
Liuming,Yu Yang, Pei Huijie, Gao Yuan & Hou Guoxiang*. Lattice
Boltzmann simulations of liquid flows in microchannel with an
improved slip boundary condition. Chemical Engineering Science,
2019, 202, 105-117. (SCI,
Top期刊,T1) (10)Yang
Liuming,Yu Yang, Hou Guoxiang*, Wang Kai & Xiong Yeping. Boundary
conditions with adjustable slip length for the lattice Boltzmann
simulation of liquid flow. Computers & Fluids, 2018, 174,
200-212. (SCI,计算流体力学权威期刊,T2) (11)Yang
Liuming,Hou Guoxiang*, Yu Yang, & Wang Kai. Lattice Boltzmann
Simulation on Drag Reduction by Adhesion-regulated
Superhydrophobic Surfaces. In The 28th International Ocean
and Polar Engineering Conference. International Society of
Offshore and Polar Engineers,2018,155-162. (EI,
T3) (12)Yang
Liuming,Gao Yuan, Zhao Shuai, Yu Yang, & Hou Guoxiang*. Lattice
Boltzmann study on drag reduction of a bluff body by slip
boundary. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
2019,1300(01):012036. (EI) (13)侯国祥主编,《流体力学》,北京:机械工业出版社,2015.(本人编写部分章节) (14)Gao
Yuan, Yang
Liuming, Yu
Yang, Hou Guoxiang*, & Hou Zhongbao. lmprovedsimplified and
highly stable lattice Boltzmann methods for incompressible
flows.International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2021, 32(06):
1-26. (SCI) (15)Gao
Yuan, Yang Liuming,
Yu Yang, Hou Guoxiang*, & Hou Zhongbao. Consistent
ForcingScheme in the Simplified Lattice Boltzmann Method for
Incompressible Flows.Communications in Computational Physics,
2021,30(5): 1427-1452.(SCI) (16)Gao
Yuan, Yu Yang, Yang
Liuming, Qin
Shenglei& Hou Guoxiang*. Development of acoupled simplified
lattice Boltzmann method for thermal flows. Computers &
Fluids, 2021:105042.(SCI) (17)Gao
Yuan, Yu Yang, Yang
Liuming, Hou
Guoxiang*, & Shu Chang. Numerical Study ofFlow
Characteristics Around Underwater Vehicle Model at High Reynolds
Number//The29th International Ocean and Polar Engineering
Conference. OnePetro, 2019. (EI) (18)Wang
Kai, Yang Liuming,
Yu Yang & Hou Guoxiang*. Influence of slip boundary on
thehydrofoil with a curved slip boundary condition for the
lattice Boltzmann method. Physics of Fluids,2018,30(12):
123601.(SCI) (19)Wang
Kai, Yu Yang, Yang
Liuming & Hou
Guoxiang*. Lattice Boltzmann based internalwave-maker//The 27th
International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference.
OnePetro.2017.(EI) 部分代表性专利: (1)何巍;侯国祥;余洋;王凯;杨留名;高源
2020-07-10. (2)杨留名;柳仕成;裴志勇;敖雷;张磊;吴卫国,表面减阻效果测试装置:CN202210436324.4[P].
2022-08-23. (3)杨留名;王帅;裴志勇;柳仕成;敖雷;张磊;吴卫国,基于智能温控表面的舵装置:CN202210806290.3[P].
2022-10-11. (4)敖雷;史治中;裴志勇;杨留名;张磊;孔祥韶;吴卫国,船用加筋板复杂极端载荷加载装置:CN202210436323.X[P].
2022-08-12. (5)敖雷;丁子奇;吴卫国;裴志勇;甘进;刘斌;张磊;杨留名,大型邮轮烟囱极限风压载荷加载装置:CN202210548234.4[P].
2022-09-16. (6)于冰;裴志勇;高长峰;张磊;邓超风;杨留名,双十字型带缆桩:CN202220776941.4[P].
2022-10-28. |